He's a tough guy. In the past, he's been known to drill through his own toenail at the job site, replace his work boot, and then finish out the work day in blood-drenched socks. Let me reiterate that for emphasis. While I have been known to apply Neosporin liberally to a papercut and delicately bandage for an entire week, he once drilled through his own toenail and then finished the work day.
(Note numero dos: Graphic pictures below.)
Right. So a few layers of skin sheared off the top of the finger probably isn't that big of a deal?

cleaned him up a bit, and then stitched, splinted and bandaged his now mignon-like appendage. Took it like a champ, too.Afterwards, Pookiebear, Floyd and I met them at IHOP for a midnight snack. Because what goes with mangled flesh like an omelet and a short stack?
Turns out that he also learned how to eat with his right hand for family night.
Ok. Seriously. I can't stomach your blog. GROSS.
But kudos to your dad for being so tough.
i think i just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
your dad is a champ. and a trooper. and braver than i'll ever be. man oh man.
Icky. Glad it got taken care of. That's amazing that he drove himself home!
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