Huzzah! Can you believe a new year is beginning tomorrow? Here, in no particular order, is a picture essay of all the things we did in 2009 that we neglected to blog about entirely. Just to ensure we meet our cute requirements, we'll make it a Bug Sandwich:

It's no Ace of Cakes, but I'm pretty proud of it.

We went sledding. (Pre-Floyd, of course.)
(Which wasn't hard for me, since I took the tram. Go Paddy!)

Paddy scouted.

I grew to an enormous size.
(I got even bigger, believe it or not. This is 37 weeks, and we went to 41.)

Paddy taught Lupe to do her chores.
That last picture is absolutely adorable!
Colette stole the words right out of my mouth. She is just too cute! Happy New Year!
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