Saturday, December 15, 2007


One more thing:

I'm including one more picture today, partially so all can see what a great job Melissa did turning me into a dark, sultry brunette. More importantly, though, I wanted Scott and Melinda to see the perfect visual representation of "forlorn" on my mom's face. I must be a riot to hang out with.


Wendy said...

Welcome to the sultry brunette club. We meet biannually at our conference in Rio.

Lauren in GA said... I know you don't know me...please don't be frightened...I am friends with Christy Horn(love her!) and I accidentally happened onto your blog. Please...before you issue a restraining order, let me explain...I was visiting Christy's blog and I went to click on my brother John, and sister-in-law Amy's blog and I accidentally clicked on yours. I have to confess I "lurked" on your blog and I LOVE it. You are so funny, witty, clever and articulate! I really mean that!
I just wanted to confess that I have, since that initial accident, visited your blog several times...I just felt badly about being sneaky. Please, feel free to contact Christy for a back-ground check.
I despise the fact that I can't spell-check when I am commenting on other peoples' are undoubtedly thinking that I am a creepy stalker and a blithering idiot... sorry

Scott said...

I have not used the phrase "LOL" since puberty, but I think the visual representation of forlorn warrants it. Maybe my using teenage texting abbreviations stems from the fact that your dog's entry to adolescence via a visit from Aunt Flo(w) takes me back to my own adolescent days. Not that our growing pains had much in common. Anyway, that's pretty awesome.

mary plus vince said...

oh, love the sassy hair...and yes, welcome to the sultry brunette club!

Davis said...

Would I be considered a sultry brunette?

Anonymous said...

Kristie, I love that! Can we please get together soon to play the word game? It's my favorite game ever...

Liv said...

hi kris!!
i got tagged, so now you're tagged too.
check out my latest post and you'll get all the "rules."
and yes, brunette is fabulous.