It has come to my attention (repeatedly) that perhaps my dog's occasional bark is upsetting to you. It's true; she does bark from time to time when the Arby's dumpster behind our house is emptied. You'll remember, of course, that she is a dog and that the dumpster is full of roast beef.
But, no matter. By way of masking the offending noise, you'll note that Daddy

The (rather noisy) person who lives next door to you.
Dear Former Owners of our Home:
Were you aware that decorative yard curbing is not, in fact, part of the weight-bearing foundation for the Empire State Building? Though I am admittedly not a construction worker, I hardly feel an 18 inch footing of solid concrete was necessary.

What's done is done, however, and you'll be happy to note that we safely recovered the following from their concrete tombs in our front yard:
Bent metal pieces
That IS crazy! Are you sure you didn't just stage photos from some freaky pregnancy dream you had?
That really is crazy! What were they thinking?!
haha, i was cracking up reading all the different things you found in there!
stripper pole was probably my favorite, just sayin'.
No freakin way. That is ridiculous. Out of control. Sometimes I just don't understand what people are thinking when they attempt their own projects. Why the scrap metal? WHY?!
If only walls could talk... looks like your house would have a whole lot to say lol.
I'm loving your writing style. Vair funny.
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