Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Birthday week!

It's important to me to make my littles feel extra special on their birthdays. I know it's a bit silly at 12 months old--Mister Baggins certainly won't remember the party we're planning for him, let alone the color-coordinated decorations--but it's something sweet I can do for my babies, and it's fun for me. Besides, mothering in general involves doing a whole lot of things they don't care about just because I love them, but that doesn't stop me from forcing them into clean clothes and making them eat something other than goldfish and fruit snacks for dinner. 

I've really wanted to make a colorful felt birthday banner that we can hang up for everybody's birthday each year, but I have yet to invest the time and energy into making/buying/figuring out a pattern and buying the felt. Any volunteers to help me with this? No, really. I mean it. Want to help me?

In the mean time, I decided to whip up this adorable birthday wreath that everyone on the internet has made (google it and find I'm right), and let me just tell you that I am head over heels in LOVE with it.

Birthday Balloon Wreath
 It honestly COULD NOT BE EASIER to make, the little candle in the middle is easy to change out, and the whole thing just makes me feel happy. It gives me warm fuzzies to imagine my littles when they are not so little walking home from school to find the birthday wreath out and know it's just for them!

Bonus: now my kids can't get that mad that I don't scrapbook for them. Look, kids, a WREATH!


katelinklug said...

That wreath is soooo cute!!! Great job. I have honestly never seen it before so from now on when I do, you will be getting all the credit :)
Living in an apartment we have not invested really in decorations you have to store away, but now I want this wreath.
It also looks so great on your blue door. I just love it all.

De España said...

That is such a cute wreath! I want to make one. And that's fun to imagine them coming home and seeing the wreath and getting all excited. You should make a wreath too that you can hang up when they're bad, so when they get home from school they see it and feel dread. Like a wreath made out of cleaning supplies, so they know they're going to have to do choors. I could help you make a birthday banner. I've never made one before, but I'd want one too so we could both make one, or do it for a play group activity or something. I have a sewing machine if it requires that. JoAnn's has 40-50% off felt every so often and then if you have a "20% OFF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE" coupon, that makes buying felt really cheap!