Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome home, Elder! This is Bug.

What with the unexpected car-smashing, neck-whipping events of late, I have neglected to update my faithful blog readers on the most exciting bit of news.

This girl:

who has been waiting ever so patiently, finally got to meet

this guy:

I was all prepared to be emotional when introducing my brother to my daughter for the first time.  But then he didn't show up when he was supposed to.  Then we thought he was in Hong Kong.  Nope.  San Francisco?  Not there either.  I got tired of holding the aforementioned daughter on my hip.  She's big, and the airport floors are too grody to allow crawling.  The good people at the Delta counter finally found him in Los Angeles.  Of course!

After hours and hours of confusion and waiting, he finally arrived!  I was too tired to cry, so they met mostly without incident.  And now that he's been helping me with her for the last several days (I can't lift her without excruciating pain) they are best pals. 

Welcome home, Elder.  We are so happy to have you!

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