Saturday, May 9, 2009

Floyd at 15 weeks

A couple of weeks ago, but you get the idea.

Lady at church: "Oh honey, you don't look pregnant! You look fatter than you did before, but not pregnant."

Thanks. Makes a girl feel dainty.


  1. Right, because all pregnant girls hold out hope that everyone will assume they're just fat, not pregnant. haha :). I think Floyd is looking as cute as can be!

  2. Congrats Kristie and Pat! I think it's funny you call your fetus Floyd, that's my dog's name! It's OK, it's a good human name too ;)

  3. oh my goodness! you look so great!

    i can't believe some of the things that come out of people's mouths.

  4. Aw, so cute...

    How old was this lady? OLD?

  5. haha and the insensitive comments just keep coming :) Just remember to take this time and remember those people so that you can make appropriately inconsiderate and definitely justified comments back their direction someday :D haha that is what is getting me through. (And yes, I've become a slightly bitter yet very amused pregnant hag LOL)

  6. K- Not old at all, actually. She's been positively identified as a nit-wit for years, though, so I didn't stress too much about it. Paddy just about choked on his gum from laughter.

  7. Someone once told me that the only acceptable thing to say to a pregnant woman is "you look GREAT!"

    Kris, you look GREAT!

  8. Ha! Some people honestly don't think before they speak. Little Floyd looks cute. Or maybe I just like black shirts?
