Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So, now that I'm a workin' girl (tee hee) it seems I have less time to work on the blog. To be honest, that's not entirely true. I actually have probably the same amount of time, or possibly more, but the powers that be have not yet seen it fit to bestow upon me access to the computer at work. Feels a little like the Stone Age, actually. Or at least what I imagine it must have been like to be a Social Services Director in the Stone Age.

Anyway, not a whole lot of interesting stuff happening 'round our compound this week. (Certainly nothing as interesting as bright green, pulpy vomit. Cool, Scott.) I got my diploma in the mail today, which is cool. Once I can get my friggin' camera cord to work, I'll post a picture of it or something. Lupe is getting huge. If I was a good mom, I'd put in a couple of pictures of her, too. Until then, imagine a bigger version of the last pictures I posted.

In 18 or so years of schooling, I never managed to acquire any sort of study habits. I'm into binging and purging. (Not the eating disorder kind. Obviously.) Blessed with a fabulous short term memory, I generally retain information just long enough to regurgitate it in essay/exam form and on I go. Works pretty well in the public education system, however it also leaves me with a sort of paralyzing fear that someday, somewhere, someone is going to stand up, point at me, and yell "HEY! WE'VE GOT A DUMB CRAP HERE!" and everyone will know I've been faking it all along.

I guess I'm thinking about all of this because I have to take my state licensure exam one week from today. Please wish me luck. I can't handle the exposure.


  1. I seem to have the same study habits as you do. Cram, throw it up, forget it all. I couldn't tell you what I learned yesterday in class let alone my first year of college. By the way, GOOD LUCK!

  2. Oh boy. I live in perpetual fear that someone's going to call me on my bull and expose me for the pseudo-intellectual fraud I really am. Until that time, I'll keep the great pretending game going. Kind of fun, actually.

  3. I had no idea how common Academic Bulimia was! I've always done the same. Well, good luck Kris!

  4. I'm gonna regurgitate all the stuff I'm supposed to know about teaching methods on my Praxis test right before I graduate so that I can do whatever the heck I want to do to my students. :) j/k kind of...
