Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Our apartment is in a state of disarray hitherto unseen by human eyes. Close your eyes, and imagine that a tornado has struck the D.I. Cram the wreckage into a 600 sq. foot space. That is the squalor we are living in now. But it's totally worth it!

We're moving!

We have closed on our condo and should be moving this week. We are thrilled to be escaping (mostly) unscathed from our humble abode in South Salt Lake. Luckily, the memories will stay with us always...

Paddy has translated at 2 a.m. for the paramedics. We've had a couple of stolen vehicles and a rickety camping trailer towed from our parking lot where, I can only assume, they were left to die. We've conquered a 9 foot high mountain of carpet padding, evicted a smoker who set his apartment on fire, recovered furniture and large electronics from the bushes, and endured at least one mailbox break-in. Oh, and we will forever look back on the teenagers hot boxing in the laundry room and the flood in our living room with fondness. We are a little bruised, but none the worse for the wear.

City of South Salt Lake, with your parking lot barbeques, we bid thee farewell.

It's Taylorsville or bust.


  1. You should send this entry into Reader's Digest. Really Kris this is quite funny.

    love de

  2. You should do this as a living...

  3. But how could I give up my super lucrative career of social work? It's where the big bucks are.

  4. Good stuff Kristie. I thought I would leave a comment to show you that not just your family is reading this. By the way, did you guys move to the condo that Pat called me about?

  5. The very one. Moving today! :)

  6. I agree that you should do this for a living. You should definately keep up on the social work stuff though... heaven knows your family will provide you with several diagnoses... and plenty of work.. ps... call me later, I definately need a session :)

  7. Kristie! I was so happy to get your email about your blog! Just for your info, I don't have a facebook page either. I don't like stalkers...lol. Ben and I started a blog sometime last year and it made me nervous because I don't think my life is that interesting or that anyone would want to read it. But I figure it's their own choice if they want to read it. :) I miss talking to you and laughing about "What does this word make you think of...?" Congrats on your condo. P.S. You are a link on my blog! Yes, you're THAT special. :)
